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Details for the convict John Richardson (1788)

Convict Name:John Richardson
Trial Place:Middlesex
Trial Date:1784
Arrival Details
Arrival Year:1788
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Researchers who have claimed this convict

There is currently one researcher who has claimed John Richardson

  • Researcher (8501)
Claimed convict


John Richardson.. I have added John to my list because he was the father of James Richardson who was married to Elizabeth Eggleton. I don't know much about James other than he murdered my 4 times great grandmother . His step daughter Sarah Sophia Lack and one of Sarah's children . Chopped them with an axe in 1849. He was hanged 7/5/1849. John Richardson was married to Mary Quin both were convicts.
Submitted by Researcher (8501) on 18 September 2017

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Research notes

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