Researchers who have claimed this convict
There are currently 22 researchers who have claimed John Pendergast
- Researcher (1957)
- Researcher (Michelle Nichols)
- Researcher (Jeffrey Smith)
- Researcher (Beryl Whatson)
- Researcher (Gloria Bale)
- Researcher (Vicki Court)
- Researcher (Ronald Paterson)
- Researcher (Sally Chapman)
- Researcher (Tony Paul)
- Researcher (5060)
- Researcher (Leanne Stark)
- Researcher (Margaret McLennan)
- Researcher (5776)
- Researcher (Karen Elliott)
- Researcher (Barry Sylvester)
- Researcher (Jennifer Woodnee Prendergast)
- Researcher (Rod Ewings)
- Researcher (Kim Pendergast)
- Researcher (11132)
- Researcher (10187)
- Researcher (Carolyn Ball)
- Researcher (Anthony Foley)
Submitted by Researcher (Kim Pendergast) on 2 August 2019
Disclaimer: The information has not been verified by Claim a Convict. As this information is contributed, it is the responsibility of those who use the data to verify its accuracy. Research notes
John Pendergast was buried 29 January 1833 at Windsor Catholic Cemetery.
Submitted by Researcher (Michelle Nichols) on 7 February 2014
Disclaimer: The information has not been verified by Claim a Convict. As this information is contributed, it is the responsibility of those who use the data to verify its accuracy. |