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Details for the convict John O'Donnell (1808)

Convict Name:John O'Donnell
Trial Place:Middlesex
Trial Date:1806
Arrival Details
Ship:Admiral Gambier (1)
Arrival Year:1808
Claim John O'Donnell as yours

Researchers who have claimed this convict

There are currently 4 researchers who have claimed John O'Donnell

  • Researcher (Barbara Mann)
  • Researcher (2038)
  • Researcher (Derek Goodwin)
  • Researcher (Judy Rayner)
Claimed convict



THEFT: burglary, 17th September, 1806.

The Proceedings of the Old Bailey Ref: t18060917-69

Original Text:
476. JOHN O'DONNELL, SAMUEL CARTER, and JOHN GORE, were indicted for burglariously breaking and entering the dwelling house of Jonathan Kendall, about the hour of nine at night on the 29th of August, with intent to steal, and burglariously stealing therein, a bank note, value 20 l. a bank note, value 10 l. ten bank notes, value 2 l. each, and ten other bank notes, value 1 l. each, the property of Jonathan Kendall.

Second count for like offence, only stating the house to be the dwelling house of Walter Shepherd.

The case was stated by Mr. Gleed.

O'Donnell's Defence. I am innocent of it; the ten pound note that I changed at Mr. Whistler's was my own, and as for the seven guineas that Gore had was my own.
Carter's Defence. I have nothing to say about it.
Gore's Defence. I know nothing about it.
Gore called eleven witnesses, who gave him a good character.
GORE, GUILTY - DEATH, aged 24.

[The prisoners were recommended to mercy by the jury, on account of their being led into it by their accomplice.]

First Middlesex Jury, before Mr. Baron Sutton.

Arrived as convict on "Admiral Gambier" on the 20th December 1808.

Received his Certificate of Emancipation on the 1st November 1813. (Page 368 Reel 601)
Received his Certificate of Freedom on the 6th November 1813.
Certificate of Freedom Number 1264.

In the 1814 General Muster of NSW John is listed as being free, off stores and listed as a shoemaker.

Submitted by Researcher (2038) on 17 June 2014

Disclaimer: The information has not been verified by Claim a Convict. As this information is contributed, it is the responsibility of those who use the data to verify its accuracy.

Research notes

There are currently no research notes attached to this convict.

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