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The Hills, Hawkesbury & Hunter Valley
Rootsweb Mailing List

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Damned Whores 10 Hawkesbury
Damned Whores 10 Hawkesbury by Jenny Lloyd (Oil on board)
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This is a Rootsweb Mailing List and therefore no subscription fees apply. 

How to subscribe

For mail mode (in which the messages arrive one by one), send a message to

...that contains the word subscribe in the subject and nothing else

For digest mode (in which several messages arrive together), send a message to

...that contains the word subscribe in the subject line, and nothing else

How to unsubscribe

For mail mode ( the messages arrive individually), send a message to

...that contains the word unsubscribe in the message body, and nothing else (no signature or subject).

For digest mode (several messages arrive together), send a message to

...that contains the word unsubscribe in the message body, and nothing else (no signature or subject).

The address to use to send messages is:

Once you subscribe then you can post messages and questions to the list by using this address:


  • Please try and keep postings focussed on the theme of the AUS-NSW-HILLS-HAWKESBURY-HUNTER-VALLEY. Feel free to enquire about anything regarding AUS-NSW-HILLS-HAWKESBURY-HUNTER-VALLEY history or genealogy.
  • Subject line should give a precise indication of your query.
  • If you are replying to a Digest message don't forget to change the subject line from the Digest number to an appropriate subject.
  • Please keep your signature tag lines to 4 lines or less.
  • It is considered bad etiquette to type ALL of your message in capital letters. (It is like shouting)
  • You might consider regularly posting the names that you are researching.
  • Specific queries about the individuals or families that you are researching within the AUS-NSW-HILLS-HAWKESBURY-HUNTER-VALLEY area. Queries or information about resources available for research on topic.
  • Share helpful genealogical hints with the list.
  • Do not be rude or disrespectful to others on the list.
  • If you have any issues please contact the list Admin


  • Messages posted must focus on the list subject - AUS-NSW-HILLS-HAWKESBURY-HUNTER-VALLEY
  • If you have queries that are not on topic, check the Rootsweb list at to locate other mailing lists in Australia.
  • Do not post messages to the list that are commercial in content or nature. For individuals and organisations that are classed as non-profit, postings are allowed about new publications but they MUST NOT include the price. Include a description and a contact e-mail or web page for further information. Please notify the list Admin for permission first
  • Don’t forward messages sent to you personally (or to other lists) without the prior permission of the person making the original post.
  • Beware of posting messages to the list that may breach copyright. Always acknowledge your sources if you post information from any publications, materials or websites.
  • Do not post any messages about viruses or scams.


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Lesley Uebel & Hawkesbury on the Net © 1998 - 2025